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Why Should Digital Marketing Agencies Go Net-Zero?

Climate crisis is the most pressing issue the world is facing today. Every day we are confronted by reports of unprecedented environmental disasters. Mr Navel Nazareth, Co-Founder & CEO of NAM Solutions talks about the influential power of the youth to bring awareness about cutting down carbon emissions.

Climate change is one of the most important environmental disasters we should all be worried about. The Emission of Carbon Dioxide and its equivalent greenhouse gasses are causing this climate change and we humans are responsible for the same. While there are many NGOs and Environmentalists who are working not only to cut down their carbon emission but also educate people to do the same; it is important that every person does their bit towards helping this initiative. The reason why digital marketing agencies should start this carbon footprint-neutralizing initiative is because they house a majority of youth for whom adapting to change is easier, and through their influential power they could even inspire others to join in the cause.

Based on various studies, it has been established very well that there is no way that a human being can stop emitting these gasses, but through small steps, we can try to neutralize the same. Now when it comes to carbon footprint, not many of us know what it means in the first place to go ahead and reduce it, hence it is essential that we explore the basics of this subject.

While we are doing our day-to-day activities there are many fossil fuels used to ensure that our bare minimum tasks get done. Right from purchasing some fruits at our grocery to flying from one city to another, directly or indirectly emits a lot of greenhouse gasses as there is fuel used for the same. Now you might think, how can buying groceries lead to tons of carbon emissions? The answer is simple. First of all, you would have yourself driven there either through your own vehicle or public transport to emit carbon, now consider the greenhouse gasses released why mass producing the grocery, the transportation cost and the electricity used in the store to make it look appealing and fresh.

It’s quite evident that it is impossible to not emit any carbon, but with some effort, we can strive towards reducing them drastically. Here are a few things that can help with the cause towards protecting our mother earth from issues like climate change. One of the biggest misconception people have when it comes to carbon footprint is that they should ‘Go Digital’ to reduce carbon footprint, but they are wrong as going digital requires electricity and in many countries like India and USA, more than 60 per cent of electricity is generated through fossil fuels, hence it is not the right advice.

The easiest way agencies can safeguard our mother earth is by choosing office spaces as that can not only save our mother earth but even the company a lot of money. The office should be located with plenty of natural light, hence to avoid the need to keep the lights on during day time. Looking for a properly ventilated office space would also ensure that there is no need for the use of air conditioning and heating systems which could also save a lot of electricity consumption.

It’s easier for an agency to encourage and adapt to a minimalist workspace, reducing the need for an unnecessary carbon footprint. Small changes like using paper when it’s essential and reusing it as and when possible can also help in contributing to the initiatives. Encouraging the staff to use public transport by giving them reimbursement on their public transport could also be an initiative that will help reduce tons of carbon emission from an agency’s standpoint. While these things are very minimal, they sure would make a huge impact in the longer run, as by doing so little, we are strengthening our environment for decades to come.


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