The health care start-up, NIRAMAI, introduces AI-based technology to screen breast cancer. Bangalore-based Healthtech startup NIRAMAI (Non-Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine Intelligence), has developed an innovative early breast cancer detection technology that is a radiation-free and non-invasive. The solution is based on thermal imaging and cloud-hosted analytics and is portable, accurate, privacy-aware and can be […]

EditorTechnology, Wellnessadvanced thermal imaging, artificial intelligence, Bangalore, Bangalore-based Healthtech startup, breast cancer, CEO & CTO Dr Geetha Manjunath, cloud hosted analytics, COO of Niramai, Dehradun, early breast cancer detection technology, machine learning, Nidhi Mathur, NIRAMAI, Non-Invasive Risk Assessment with Machine Intelligence, radiation free, thermal imaging, Thermalytix™, women of all ages