
Macao – Asia’s New Culinary Capital

A delectable potpourri of tastes and aromas, Macao’s famous Macanese cuisines is crossing boundaries and impressing palates across the globe.  Macao, a major port city of Southern China and former Portuguese colony, is one of Asia’s favourite destinations to come explore variety.  However, one of Macao’s distinguished features continue to be it’s more than 400-year […]

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Experiencing Macao our Way

Bringing the local flavours of Macao to India with a Macanese Masterclass. PEAKLIFE and Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) in association with Shangri-La’s-Eros Hotel, New Delhi hosted a Macanese Masterclass, to enlighten people with the delectable Macanese cuisine. Chef Neeraj Tyagi, EAM Food & Beverages, brilliantly taught the guests, how to prepare Macanese dishes like […]