“My journey is a Testament to my Determination and Resilience”
Archana Khosla Burman talks about Vertices Partners, India’s Start-Up System, and Discrimination Faced by Female Entrepreneurs

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By Abhya Adlakha

Archana Khosla Burman is a trailblazing entrepreneur with a knack for turning dreams into reality. Known for her relentless drive and passion for innovation, Archana’s journey is nothing short of inspiring.

From leading the ‘Start-up Caravan Series’ with FICCI FLO to launching the national start-up cell, she’s been a powerhouse of support for budding entrepreneurs. As the youngest chairperson of FLO Mumbai, she championed initiatives that earned national recognition, including the National Start-Up Award 2023–24.

In an exclusive interview with PEAKLIFE, the visionary leader delves into her journey, her work at FICCI, the challenges faced by women in the entrepreneurial world, and why it’s so important for women to participate in the economy.

Tell us about your journey—from being raised as an army child, pursuing litigation law and then corporate law, and then finally starting your own company. How has it been?

The journey has been wonderful! I began my career in litigation and dedicated three years to mastering this field. However, I soon realised that my true calling was corporate law. I moved and eventually ended up working with some of the most prestigious firms in India, where I honed my expertise in private equity and venture capital. It was during this time that my entrepreneurial spirit was ignited and I finally founded Vertices Partners in 2016.

The journey was challenging and far from smooth, but the growth and success we have achieved have been truly rewarding. From a team of four working out of a coffee shop, we’ve grown to over 80 professionals. Our journey took us from a modest 300-square-foot office to a spacious 3,000-square-foot headquarters, with additional offices in Gurugram and Bengaluru.

We’ve been ranked among the Top 40 firms in India by RSG, recognized by IFLR1000, and featured in Forbes India’s Legal Powerlist. Despite these milestones, we remain committed to excellence and innovation and always look forward to reaching new heights with the same passion and determination.

What inspired you to start Vertices Partners?

My journey into entrepreneurship was not sparked by a single moment, but rather a culmination of experiences spanning over two decades. Advising and collaborating with numerous entrepreneurs fuelled my passion for the entrepreneurial world. Also, guiding startups through challenges invoked a deep appreciation for innovation and the transformative potential of entrepreneurship.

The decision to start my own venture was not sudden either—it was a natural progression driven by years of experience and a profound belief in the value of entrepreneurship. My partners and I wanted to create a workplace where lawyers can do what they do best but, with their whole hearts and honesty.

What challenges did you face as a woman entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry like law? How did you tackle them?

My journey is a testament to my determination and resilience. I navigated several challenges, such as preconceived notions about my abilities and my level of commitment; I faced networking barriers, I faced trouble trying to balance my professional responsibilities with personal and family obligations—and yet, I persisted.

I overcame these hurdles by creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment. I sought collaboration with like-minded individuals, participated in industry panels, and even spoke and wrote articles about it to address this issue.

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What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs in India?

For aspiring female entrepreneurs in India, my advice to them would be to keep showing up because navigating the entrepreneurial landscape requires a multifaceted approach. It’s important to stay adaptable to technology advancements and market shifts, while also leveraging social media for authentic engagement and brand promotions. Introducing fresh ideas to both traditional and technology-driven sectors can also pave the way for innovation and growth.

Seeking support from investment programs and acquiring skills aligned with market demands are essential steps toward success. Networking with peers and experts fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange. Embracing challenges with a growth mindset, fostering inclusive environments, and acknowledging common feelings are crucial for personal and professional development. Celebrating achievements, challenging negative thoughts, and seeking support from mentors and professionals are key strategies for overcoming obstacles. Setting realistic goals, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and visualizing success can build confidence and propel entrepreneurial endeavours forward.

How do you balance the demands of your professional life and personal life?

Balancing the demands of my professional and personal life requires a very strategic approach, of course. Allocating specific hours for work and personal time, prioritizing tasks efficiently, and seeking help and support when needed can always help lighten the load. Flexibility is key in my approach, allowing me to adapt to unforeseen circumstances without compromising my responsibilities. I have also realised that asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it can be a strategic decision.

I’m a strong believer in quality over quantity, so I focus on building and maintaining meaningful interactions with the people around me—be it my family, my team, my colleagues, or even my friends. Additionally, recognising the value of a strong support network, I’m grateful for the encouragement and perspective provided by friends, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs.

Lastly, one needs to remember that balance is dynamic and requires ongoing adjustments from time to time, so keep revisiting and strategizing as and when required.

Can you share a piece of advice or a pivotal moment in your life that has had a significant impact on you and your career?

Joining FICCI FLO (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry–Ladies Organization) was a pivotal movement in my life and career.

Drawing from my own journey and that of my friends and peers, I realised that many of us face similar challenges as businesswomen and even as women in general. This realisation fuelled my passion for women’s empowerment and encouraged me to engage with young women from across urban, rural, and underprivileged communities.

Through FICCI’s initiatives, I have worked and continue to work to break down barriers, create a level playing field for women, and make entrepreneurship accessible to everyone.

As the current National Head of Collaborations, Partnerships & Associations for FICCI FLO, and having served as the youngest Chairperson of FICCI FLO Mumbai, I am privileged to contribute to impactful programs that advance women’s empowerment.

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Why do you think it is important for women to participate in the economy?

Integrating more women into the workforce can potentially add trillions to our economy. Women bring different perspectives and skills, which lead to more innovation and effective problem-solving.

Secondly, their participation increases household income, lifting families out of poverty and hence improving their standard of living. Dual-income households are more economically stable and better positioned to invest in education, health, and future opportunities for their children.

Economic independence also enhances women’s decision-making power within their households and communities. Increased participation of women across sectors not only generates employment but also helps reduce gender inequality and promotes greater social equality. Trade plays a significant role in elevating women’s incomes and creating better job prospects, thus narrowing the wage gaps. Tapping into this resource can drive innovation and economic progress.

And lastly, countries that promote gender equality tend to be more competitive on a global stage. This is why I think women must participate in the economy, it’s more important than people often realise.

Can you share some insights into the start-up ecosystem in India currently? How have you witnessed it change over the last few years?

The startup ecosystem in India has seen remarkable growth and diversification in recent years. Government initiatives like ‘Startup India’ and ‘Make in India’, along with increased private sector support, have created a favourable environment for startups. There is a noticeable expansion into sectors like FinTech, EdTech, and HealthTech, that are driven by innovative business models addressing societal and environmental challenges.

Funding opportunities have also improved, with a surge in investment from various sources including angel investors, venture capitalists, and corporate ventures.

However, it’s important to remember that challenges remain, including regulatory complexities and talent acquisition. Despite this, the ecosystem continues to thrive, propelled by a focus on sustainability, scalability, and innovation. With ongoing support and collaboration, India has the potential to emerge as a global leader in entrepreneurship and innovation.

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