
Where to detox in California ?

Travel always brings a renewed gusto to clean up our acts—physically and mentally. After an indefinite Quarantine period and once things settle down, detox travel is a must! In California, it is always time to eat better, get fit, and clear away the mental clutter. The state has an abundance of wellness retreats that offer […]


Coronavirus Can Survive On Shoes For Five Days!

What measure needs to be followed to keep yourself shoe clean, Arushi Kalsi Founder, Overdrive shoes share few pointers. The coronavirus is known to make a home on many non-human surfaces, including doorknobs, cardboard boxes and shopping carts. Now, to the surprise of probably no one, experts are calling shoes a “breeding ground” for germs. […]


5 Health Foods to Boost Energy During Summers

Summer is officially here! Are you experiencing energy dip in this blistering heat? Well, with summers, your body needs a boost up and eating the right foods can help you reload with energy. Shrivelling in the intense heat, struggling in the nauseating pollution and not to forget the ceaseless traffic; your body experiences a lot […]


What You Can Do This 50th Anniversary Of Earth Day- April 22nd?

As the world is about to celebrate its 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, which is announced to be Digital due to the global pandemic. Here are a few things you can do while you stay home. It all started in the year 1970, by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson to educate the public about the environment […]


Ayurveda: Ancient Science For The Modern Woman

Whether a working woman or a homemaker, every woman is a superhuman balancing different aspects of life. In this humdrum of life, taking care of her own health is of prime importance. Ayurveda, the science of life has answers. In today’s world women perform a number of roles in the family and in social system. […]


Music Therapy For Brain Processing

Everything you need to know about Music Therapy. Have you ever experienced while you are doing your daily work and suddenly hear a song that takes you right back to a significant time in your life? Yes, then perhaps the music leaves you feel calmer or happy. Here’s a quick take of everything about Music […]


What Can We Learn This World Health Day?

United Nations celebrates 7th April annually as World Health Day right from its commencement at the First Health Assembly in 1948 and bringing into effect in 1950. For the last five decades, World Health Day has raised some core issues pertaining to health issues like mental health, maternal and child care and also global warming. […]


IDSDP & Sports Bring People Together

The United Nations (UN) has proclaimed the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace which takes place on April 06, in 2020. This date goes back to the first modern time Summer Olympics of 1896. Sports bring values like tolerance, fairness; teamwork and mutual respect to support a peaceful living together in solidarity. The […]



Dr. Pallavi Sule, Mumbai based Dermatologist, and Aesthetic Physician elaborate on this imperative subject of Sleep and how it’s important for us. Have you ever wondered what is the importance of day and night, what is the role of sleep, how do we set a good circadian rhythm?? Well, all this revolves around the hormone […]