The Nova 3 has been launched in India by Huawei on Thursday, at an event in New Delhi, Huawei revealed the Nova 3 for the Indian market and also publicized the availability and pricing details of the handsets. The 4G device powered by VoLTE, runs on Huawei’s very own EMUI 8.2 which is based on the 8th gen android […]
Category: Think Tech
Is this the best windows Ultrabook?
HP is back into the business, but this time with an all sleek Ultrabook which is sure to give a tough competition to its contenders. HP launched its new variant of Ultrabook known as ‘HP Elitebook x360 1030 G3’. Along with other devices in the same section, G3 is a standout product due to its slim profile […]
Garmin Forerunner 645 Music Smart Watch Launched in India
Announced way back in January this year in Las Vegas, the Garmin Forerunner 645 Music GPS Smartwatch was finally launched in India on 23rd June 2018. The Forerunner 645 Music is the company’s first smartwatch to support on-device music storage. PEAKLIFE gives you all the details about this latest must-have smartwatch. The Garmin Forerunner watch has a […]
Apple iOS 12: biggest new features coming to the iPhone and iPad
Apple unveiled iOS at WWDC 2018. The software will be part of 2018’s new line-up, and also update current iPhones and iPads, going back to iPhone 6S. iOS 12 aims at doubling performance. It will make apps launch up to 40 percent faster, and you can slide to take a photo 70 percent faster than […]
All the buzz about Xiaomi’s latest TV range
The mega electronics conglomerate from China, Xiaomi has recently raised the curtains on its brand-new range of smart TVs in its home country. This range of new televisions is available for pre-booking in China, with shipments scheduled to begin May 31 – the day the company is expected to launch its next-gen flagship smartphone, the Mi 8. […]
iPhone now saves lives
Here’s how Apple is making a statement with its new offering, and being supportive for a good cause and saving lives too. We are talking about the 11-year-old partnership that Apple has had with (RED), and has supported HIV/AIDS programmes that provide counseling, testing, and medicine that prevents the transmission of HIV from a mother […]
Skydio R1: The first ever self-flying drone is here!
After four years of intense work, California-based autonomous drone start-up, Skydio has recently unveiled its R1 drone that is AI-powered, and is capable of flying on its own by viewing its surroundings in real time, and can capture videos on the 4k resolution. PEAKLIFE gives you all the details. “We are entering a new age […]
Just launched: Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+
Samsung Electronics recently launched its flagship smartphones, Galaxy S9 and S9+ in India, with the world’s best camera featuring a Dual Aperture lens, Super Slow-mo capability, AR Emojis that look like you, and stereo speakers tuned by AKG with Dolby Atmos®, among other path-breaking features, reimagining the way people communicate, share and experience the world. […]
Flying Taxi: The New Buzzword
“Flying Cars” are becoming a legitimate way to get around distances and an inherently cool idea of skipping across the sky in a personal vehicle amidst the new hot releases of flying taxis. The near future could see flying cars picking humans up to take them on a commute through the air. The idea that […]
Hyperloop: The next level of transportation
Hyperloop is a concept proposed by Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX in 2012. Hyperloop a high-speed train technology is a proposed system of transport with pods traveling at high speeds of approximately 760 miles per hour through a tube that has been pumped into a near vacuum like atmosphere. The Technology Hyperloop pods move using […]