Eating healthy is important for metabolic energy of digestion. Dr Deepika Malik brings in the connection between the gut and your health.

Eating healthy is very important, but it’s equally important that your food is digested properly. Ayurveda believes that a healthy digestive system is very important for well-being and that every disease is believed to arise from poor digestion.
The metabolic energy of digestion, known as agni, allows us to assimilate food while ridding the body of wastes and toxins (ama). It transforms dense physical matter into the subtler forms of energy the body needs. When agni is weak, there is not enough digestive power to metabolize food into energy. At the same time if Agni is very strong your food is metabolised very fast and nutrients will not get absorbed for a healthy body and mind we need balanced agni that is neither too weak nor too excessive.
The quality of agni varies depending upon one’s dosha: vata, pitta, or kapha. In vata and kapha types, agni tends to be weak and the digestive system “cold,” sluggish, or irregular, which can result in malabsorption disorders, chronic constipation, loose stools, and gas. In pittas, the fires of agni can become excessive and cause heartburn, acid reflux, colitis, and other burning sensations.
Here are few general tips to follow for your good health:
- Savor your meals and refrain to watch television while you are eating.
- Eat in a settled atmosphere. A calm environment and focusing on the food aid in proper secretion of saliva.
- According to Ayurveda Lunch should be the main meal of the day, and eat lighter at night. Your digestive fire is strongest at midday.
- Always sit down to eat your food.
- Avoid cold water or drinks before or after meals. They decrease the digestive fire.
- Eat at regular intervals.
- Don’t eat too fast, take the time to chew each mouthful of food.
- Eat to about three-quarters of your capacity.
- Take a few minutes to sit quietly after eating.
- Don’t drink water with the meal.
- Favor fresh foods and avoid left-overs which can disrupt digestion.
- Avoid taking a meal until the previous meal has been digested.
- Listen to your body, Allow approximately three to four hours between meals.
- Milk should not be taken with full meals, especially with salty or sour tastes.
- Avoid yogurt or buttermilk at night.
- Do not eat when you are stressed, you may eat more without even realizing.
- Maintain regular meal times.
- A happy, positive frame of mind at meal times will help you get the maximum benefit from your food.
Author: Dr Deepika Malik
The Author is a CEO and Director of Life Century Blog.
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