
Coronavirus Can Survive On Shoes For Five Days!

What measure needs to be followed to keep yourself shoe clean, Arushi Kalsi Founder, Overdrive shoes share few pointers.

The coronavirus is known to make a home on many non-human surfaces, including doorknobs, cardboard boxes and shopping carts. Now, to the surprise of probably no one, experts are calling shoes a “breeding ground” for germs. The soles of shoes are known to be common breeding grounds for bacteria & viruses, and it seems the coronavirus could also be able to survive on footwear. Styles made with certain synthetic materials, such as spandex, may be able to retain the virus for longer.

Safety is 30% common sense, 60% compliance and rest good luck. You can also be a possible carrier of the virus if your shoes touch an infected place or someone who is already infected sneezes or coughs near you. Those droplets might land on your shoes and can also infect you. Another reason shoes can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses is that it comes in contact with dirt and germs more than anything else. Virus and bacteria can breed on the sole of the shoe and might even get carried to your home. In order to protect yourself and your family, it is best to take the following precautions to ensure that you are safe from contracting the virus:

1. Remove your shoes before entering your house. Wash the shoes worn to public places with water and soap. Shoes which are machine-washable can also be cleaned separately in the washing machine.

2. We at Overdrive, regard safety as the highest law. And to inform you that in regards to leather and other materials which couldn’t be washed with water must be wiped properly with a disinfectant. Bacteria living on the surface of the leather can be killed by exposing the leather to heat. But too much heat would shrink the leather so an adequate amount of 40-45°C is enough. Do not put your shoes into the oven. Exposing your shoes to the direct sunlight shall help too.

3. Place a clean pair of slippers or shoes outside your doorstep and change into them before entering your house. Nevertheless, say taking your shoes off before entering the home is a smart measure for anyone. If you can leave them in your garage or in your entryway, that would be ideal, as you don’t necessarily have to leave them outside, the idea is to just not track them throughout the house.

4. Shoes can also be cleaned by hand with detergents and disinfectants. Although sanitizing your shoes can’t hurt, experts have indicated that washing hands and maintaining physical distance from other people is the most effective measure for reducing transmissions of the coronavirus.

5. If you have infants around then it is better prescribed to hide the shoes from small children to ensure they don’t touch them or contact with.

6. Although it is advised not to be in much panic if you need to step out to meet the daily needs, spraying your clothes and shoes with a simple solution of isopropyl and water will do needful.

7. Washing off your socks after each use. And definitely not repeating them. P.S. be a good boy.

Our team is constantly brainstorming to reengineer our products so that we can provide a safe and secure fashion to our customers. There is no 100% cure to the virus at the moment but if each of us takes responsibility and maintains basic hygiene, we can bring a revolution at the most fundamental level! Because precaution is always better than the cure.

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